Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Strictly Biz

Hello friends and comrades,  

Your support means the world to me, and it is essential to my success.  Please check me out in the world beyond blogging, and find out what I've been up to lately.  My services are now at your service, so please feel free to get in touch ASAP.  Support me by reading, referring, liking, connecting, etc.; you make it happen!

*If you are a reader of this blog, but not yet a follower, it would be awesome if you would become one!  Just click "Join this site" under the FOLLOWERS tab of the righthand sidebar.  I need numbers, people ;)

I sincerely look forward to your feedback...y'all are the best!


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

An Explanation Of pHood

Hello beloved readers!  Pardon my absence…the springing of spring has had me busy, as I’m sure it has you as well.  Spring food lists coming soon!  It has come to my attention since the beginning of this blog that many people are unaware of the reason for my title: [pH]ood?  Most of you science-minded get it, of course…that I am referring to the body’s internal pH balance as an indication of health, not that I’m cleverly inserting a shout-out to popular music (albeit unfitting).

It is common knowledge that a solution’s acidity or alkalinity is expressed by pH (potential Hydrogen).  Internal fluids operate properly at a very precise pH; healthy digestive abilities rely entirely on balanced pH levels.  Inadequate nutrition accounts largely for imbalance, and weakness in this area is associated with food allergies, chronic fatigue, weight gain, and many more severities. 

A healthy body functions in an alkaline state.  Unfortunately, most Americans, due to a heavy reliance on fast food, processed food, prescription medication, and a sedentary lifestyle, have sent their bodies into horrifically high acidic states by young adulthood.  The most influential effect of acidosis in the body is depression of the central nervous system, which in turn serves as the breeding ground for an astronomical percentage of diseases, illnesses, and conditions.  Roughly 80% of our immune system resides within our digestive tract.

If you have heartburn, acid reflux, irregularity, or stomach ulcers, chances are your system is acidic.  These are some of the most basic and common indications.  The good news is that converting internal systems from an acid to an alkaline state is relatively attainable.  It usually requires making simple and effective changes to dietary and lifestyle habits, and the process is almost instantly gratifying.  A helpful hint: start small by eating only foods that don’t naturally have a shelf life (meaning it will go bad in 1-2 weeks).  Think more green, more fresh, more whole, more primitive in your food selection…you’ll be thanking yourself for it!  Get balanced, life will be more pHun :)


P.S.  I am now accepting clients!  Website under construction/info coming soon; if you are interested in making permanent changes to improve the quality of your own health, I can definitely help you achieve your health goals.  Shoot me an email:

Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday Love

‎"Love is what you were born to have, but you will never have it if you don't love yourself enough to take responsibility for the circumstances of your life and understand that you are continuing to choose yourself into them."  
-Mastin Kipp

Be the light you seek, be the love you wish to find!


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Maui Guac

It's getting to be that time of year...some island summer salsa for you:

4 avocados
Juice of 1/2 to 1 whole lemon
2 cloves minced garlic
1/2 cup whole Greek yogurt
3/4 cup finely chopped pineapple
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp curry
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp chili powder

Mix it up in a bowl and eat it fresh!


Monday, March 5, 2012

Gut Instinct

When observing the health of our bodies, it is important to consider the greater, external factors that play a major contribution.  In school I learned to call these things ‘primary food,’ which include interpersonal relationships, overall satisfaction with career, and spirituality.  It is a common misunderstanding to believe that the food you eat and exercise are primary elements of physical health; did you know that emotional health is perhaps more influential than the actual contents of consumption in your body’s ability to digest and absorb nutrients?  The cells in our body respond to our mental process in very direct and powerful ways.

70% of the immune system resides within the digestive tract and stress is an underlying cause of 80%+ of all illness.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: there’s no denying that you are what you eat.  Your thoughts, attitudes, and overall happiness are products of the how you choose to nourish your body.  Scientific evidence shows that emotions such as anger and aggression speed up the digestive process, while sadness and fear slow it down.  Negative emotions contribute to malabsorption of nutrients as well.  A lot of times people struggle with weight loss even when they are following strict diet and exercise routines.  This is usually because they are holding on to an experience of the past that is preventing them from moving forward, and out of fear and stress, the body does not respond the way we expect it to.   

There are a handful of areas in the world known as Blue Zones, all tropical, and all home to the world’s longest-living populations (Okinawa, Japan and Costa Rica’s Nicoya Peninsula to name a few).  These areas are generally inhabited by small communities of manual laborers, who spend a lot of time outdoors, on their feet, and in close contact with family and friends.  They eat fresh, local, and seasonal foods, drink mineral rich water (which comes from its close proximity to the ocean), share religious beliefs, and participate in tradition.  It is believed that the health and longevity of these populations are achieved through lifestyle and relationships.  The people for the most part are happy and relaxed, and we should let it be an example to our own health as a population.