Monday, December 5, 2011

10 Things To Be Greedy About

Transformation starts here—today, with you, and with the small yet significant choices that you make.  Below is a list of things that you can and should have more of, and will consequently work wonders on your personal wellbeing.  By increasing the amount of any or all of the things listed below, you are guaranteed to improve your health, happiness, and the overall quality of your life.
  1. Plain H2O—not water disguised as coffee, juice, alcohol, soda, or even flavored water.  It’s almost impossible to get too much of, and it flushes toxins from your system, keeps your body and cells functioning properly, prevents aging, and provides energy and mental clarity.  If you are adequately hydrated, your pee should be clear.
  2. Green leafy vegetables—they are the richest source of vitamins and minerals, and yet they are unfortunately the most skimped on out of all vegetables and fruits.  These highly energetic and intelligent food sources are disease-fighting superfoods, and will almost instantly increase your vitality.
  3. Whole grains—processed and refined grains are stripped of their nutrient-rich, fibrous casings and ultimately become a source of empty calories.  Refined grains, i.e. white rice, white bread, white flour, etc., are processed in the body the same as sugar and stored as fat.  Go for brown rice, quinoa, and the like; whole grains also reduce sugar cravings.
  4. Yoga—good for your body, mind, and soul.  Along with the multiple physical benefits that will keep your body agile into old age, yoga will heighten your awareness of your mental and emotional self.  You might not ever achieve enlightenment, but you’ll at least be that much closer, and you’re bound to make some deeper discoveries about yourself.
  5. Sex—in the right context, of course.  As long as you’re safe and in a healthy emotional space (which means different things for different people), regular sex is one of the best ways to relieve stress, burn calories, boost self-confidence, sculpt your abs, and sleep better.  It’s no secret that orgasms increase happiness, so go get some lovin’!  If your libido is slacking, it’s almost always nutrition-related.
  6. Fresh air—spend time outdoors, every single day.  Even better, go to a place outdoors where you’re not surrounded by people, cars, buildings, etc.  It is scientifically proven that people who spend time in nature have a greater appreciation for life and are more connected to themselves and the world.  Stop and smell the roses!
  7. Sleep—8 hours a night ideally.  If you’re not even close to that much, start small by sneaking in 30 extra minutes a night, and work your way up.  They don’t call it beauty sleep for nothing; the amount of sleep you get dramatically affects how quickly you age and the health of your skin.  Sleep is also when your body grows, heals, changes (if you’re trying to lose weight or build muscle), repairs cell damage, etc.  Not enough of it will inhibit all of these things from happening, in addition to making you a less pleasant person to be around.  Start getting enough sleep NOW if you intend to delay aging, increase longevity, and maintain sanity.
  8. Healthy fats—don’t be a sucker and believe that decreasing your fat intake will make you healthier.  The problem is not the amount of fat you consume, but the kind of fat you consume.  What you need more of is Omega 3’s and essential chain fatty acids, which come in the form of avocados, nuts, flax seeds/oil, cold-pressed olive oil, coconut milk/oil, and fish, just to name a few.  They are imperative for brain and heart health, hormone balance, protein assimilation, and metabolism/digestive functions.  Try cutting out the low-fat crap products you are eating (which substitute sugar and artificial fillers for fat), and instead incorporate 2 tablespoons of one of the above-mentioned raw oils into your diet twice a day (on salad, veggies, stir-fry…be creative)—within a couple of weeks your pants should fit a little looser, no joke.  If there’s anything about nutrition that people are most ignorant about, it’s fat intake.  Learn the facts and you will be wiser for it.
  9. Time for yourself—spend time alone!  Not so much time that you become lonely and depressed, but a small chunk every day will give you a chance to clear your head.  Watching TV doesn’t count, as it requires zero brainpower and cons you into believing you’re not in solitude.  Read, exercise, meditate, pray, rest, clean, play music, cook, or any other activity that you find soothing…do something that you enjoy and that feeds your soul.  This time is so important to nourish your creative juices and rejuvenate from everyday chaos.  Especially if you are someone who is easily distracted, taking a little bit of time for yourself will substantially increase your ability to concentrate and be more efficient in other parts of your life.
  10. Laughter—because it hurts so good!  We’ve all got funny friends, and don’t be afraid to use them for comic relief.  If you’re lucky, it’s not so hard to laugh at yourself once in a while.  It releases endorphins, boosts your mood, and when it’s in full force, it makes your stomach and cheeks hurt.  Lighten up, get the sillies out, appreciate the inherent humor in life, tickle your funny bone, don’t be so serious all the time…have a good laugh, you’ll be glad you did.
As you can see, these are simple things that you are likely getting some of already, but probably not enough.  If you can make these tiny changes become habits in your life, you will be doing yourself a huge favor in the long run; consider it preventative medicine, as disease is not something that happens to you, but rather a result of something you do to yourself.  You should find it encouraging to know that there are things you can do to prevent the onset of illness in the future, and there’s no time like the present to get started!


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