Check it :)
A little diddy on all things health+wellness, seeking balance, and living a graceful and fulfilling life

Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Hello blog-lovers!
You may be wondering why my posts are coming fewer and farther between...the reason for this is that I'm transferring my blog onto my new website that is currently being developed. Check out my current website,, to see what I'm up to these days, and keep your eyes peeled for my new and improved website, which I will announce upon completion. Thank you for your patience, and do not fret my dear friends, I will be back with a vengeance! In the meantime, check out these links:
Raw Coconut-Carrot Macaroons
5 Reasons Why Dudes Should Practice Yoga
Sit tight :)
You may be wondering why my posts are coming fewer and farther between...the reason for this is that I'm transferring my blog onto my new website that is currently being developed. Check out my current website,, to see what I'm up to these days, and keep your eyes peeled for my new and improved website, which I will announce upon completion. Thank you for your patience, and do not fret my dear friends, I will be back with a vengeance! In the meantime, check out these links:
Raw Coconut-Carrot Macaroons
5 Reasons Why Dudes Should Practice Yoga
Sit tight :)
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Springtime Tasties
A go-to grocery list for the seasonal shopper...even better, find it at the farmer's market!
- Lemons & limes
- Berries
- Watermelon
- Apples
- Kale
- Dark green lettuce
- Red, orange, and yellow bell peppers (avoid green)
- Carrots
- Celery
- Onion
- Cucumber
- Tomato
- Sweet potato
- Summer/yellow squash
- Beets
- Basil
- Sage
- Garlic
- Ginger
- Nutmeg
- Cayenne pepper
Happy Spring!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Strictly Biz
Hello friends and comrades,
Your support means the world to me, and it is essential to my success. Please check me out in the world beyond blogging, and find out what I've been up to lately. My services are now at your service, so please feel free to get in touch ASAP. Support me by reading, referring, liking, connecting, etc.; you make it happen!
*If you are a reader of this blog, but not yet a follower, it would be awesome if you would become one! Just click "Join this site" under the FOLLOWERS tab of the righthand sidebar. I need numbers, people ;)
I sincerely look forward to your feedback...y'all are the best!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
An Explanation Of pHood
Hello beloved readers! Pardon my absence…the springing of spring has had me busy, as I’m sure it has you as well. Spring food lists coming soon! It has come to my attention since the beginning of this blog that many people are unaware of the reason for my title: [pH]ood? Most of you science-minded get it, of course…that I am referring to the body’s internal pH balance as an indication of health, not that I’m cleverly inserting a shout-out to popular music (albeit unfitting).
It is common knowledge that a solution’s acidity or alkalinity is expressed by pH (potential Hydrogen). Internal fluids operate properly at a very precise pH; healthy digestive abilities rely entirely on balanced pH levels. Inadequate nutrition accounts largely for imbalance, and weakness in this area is associated with food allergies, chronic fatigue, weight gain, and many more severities.
A healthy body functions in an alkaline state. Unfortunately, most Americans, due to a heavy reliance on fast food, processed food, prescription medication, and a sedentary lifestyle, have sent their bodies into horrifically high acidic states by young adulthood. The most influential effect of acidosis in the body is depression of the central nervous system, which in turn serves as the breeding ground for an astronomical percentage of diseases, illnesses, and conditions. Roughly 80% of our immune system resides within our digestive tract.
If you have heartburn, acid reflux, irregularity, or stomach ulcers, chances are your system is acidic. These are some of the most basic and common indications. The good news is that converting internal systems from an acid to an alkaline state is relatively attainable. It usually requires making simple and effective changes to dietary and lifestyle habits, and the process is almost instantly gratifying. A helpful hint: start small by eating only foods that don’t naturally have a shelf life (meaning it will go bad in 1-2 weeks). Think more green, more fresh, more whole, more primitive in your food selection…you’ll be thanking yourself for it! Get balanced, life will be more pHun :)
P.S. I am now accepting clients! Website under construction/info coming soon; if you are interested in making permanent changes to improve the quality of your own health, I can definitely help you achieve your health goals. Shoot me an email:
Friday, March 9, 2012
Friday Love
"Love is what you were born to have, but you will never have it if you don't love yourself enough to take responsibility for the circumstances of your life and understand that you are continuing to choose yourself into them."
-Mastin Kipp
Be the light you seek, be the love you wish to find!
-Mastin Kipp
Be the light you seek, be the love you wish to find!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Maui Guac
It's getting to be that time of year...some island summer salsa for you:
4 avocados
Juice of 1/2 to 1 whole lemon
2 cloves minced garlic
1/2 cup whole Greek yogurt
3/4 cup finely chopped pineapple
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp curry
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp chili powder
Mix it up in a bowl and eat it fresh!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Gut Instinct
When observing the health of our bodies, it is important to consider the greater, external factors that play a major contribution. In school I learned to call these things ‘primary food,’ which include interpersonal relationships, overall satisfaction with career, and spirituality. It is a common misunderstanding to believe that the food you eat and exercise are primary elements of physical health; did you know that emotional health is perhaps more influential than the actual contents of consumption in your body’s ability to digest and absorb nutrients? The cells in our body respond to our mental process in very direct and powerful ways.
70% of the immune system resides within the digestive tract and stress is an underlying cause of 80%+ of all illness. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: there’s no denying that you are what you eat. Your thoughts, attitudes, and overall happiness are products of the how you choose to nourish your body. Scientific evidence shows that emotions such as anger and aggression speed up the digestive process, while sadness and fear slow it down. Negative emotions contribute to malabsorption of nutrients as well. A lot of times people struggle with weight loss even when they are following strict diet and exercise routines. This is usually because they are holding on to an experience of the past that is preventing them from moving forward, and out of fear and stress, the body does not respond the way we expect it to.
There are a handful of areas in the world known as Blue Zones, all tropical, and all home to the world’s longest-living populations (Okinawa, Japan and Costa Rica’s Nicoya Peninsula to name a few). These areas are generally inhabited by small communities of manual laborers, who spend a lot of time outdoors, on their feet, and in close contact with family and friends. They eat fresh, local, and seasonal foods, drink mineral rich water (which comes from its close proximity to the ocean), share religious beliefs, and participate in tradition. It is believed that the health and longevity of these populations are achieved through lifestyle and relationships. The people for the most part are happy and relaxed, and we should let it be an example to our own health as a population.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
Food Allergies
From Nourishing Traditions:
"A...cause of food allergies is the present-day tendency to eat exclusively foods from just a few types or families. Of the 4,000 or so edible plant species that have fed human societies at one time or another in the past, only 150 are widely cultivated today and just three of them provide 60 percent of the world's food. Today our choice of foods is limited to about thirty species, and for many the choice is even more restricted. It is not unusual for some children to eat nothing but pizza, hot dogs and peanut butter sandwiches, or for those following the macrobiotic diet to consume mostly rice and soybean products with a few vegetables. Such diets will not only be deficient in many nutrients, but the constant call for enzymes needed to digest those particular foods can lead to exhaustion of that specific digestive mechanism. The exclusive use of just a few foods can lead to sever food addiction—every bit as harmful and as difficult to break as addictions to drugs or alcohol. These food addictions, with their concomitant allergic reactions, nurture the biochemical disruptions that lead to more serious degenerative diseases."
Copyright Sally Fallon 2001A simple solution: remove a substantial amount of common allergens such as foods containing white flour and white sugar, and DIVERSIFY...more green foods, more whole foods!
Monday, February 20, 2012
You Say Goodbye/I Say Hello
Say goodbye to:
- Excuses. The only person you're lying to is yourself.
- Quitting/giving up/settling/incompletion
- Fake food, i.e., anything that lists ingredients you cannot pronounce
- A sedentary lifestyle
- Friends who you have to ask for moral support. True friends are already giving it.
- Trash talking. Repeating it, creating it, believing it, listening to tacky
- Spending money you don't have (we're all guilty of this one)
- More of the same—boring!
- The Peter Pan days...I don't know about you, but I'm only getting better with age
- Small talk. Be real, go for the gold
- Holding grudges
- Smoking, forever. On top of the infinite health problems, it's the #1 aging culprit.
- People who are afraid of commitment; major red flag for immaturity, and that's lame.
Say hello to:
- Owning your behavior.
- More literature
- More green food
- Knowing what a catch you are.
- Organic animal products (for too many reasons to list in this list)
- Being too good for (fill in the blank)'s okay to want the absolute best
- Finishing what you started
- Realistic goal-setting
- Apologizing...your pride is not more important than your relationships
- Saying your prayers. Someone up there is listening.
- A new type of's exhilarating!
- Accepting your faults and imperfections; you'll be so much happier this way.
- Commitment—a plant, a dog, a project, a significant other—because life will be so much richer and more rewarding
Carpe diem!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Got The Blues?
It is important to address that depression is a mental illness that requires proper attention and treatment, and is often a hereditary disease. At the same time, the root cause of depression is chemical imbalance in the brain, and any internal chemical imbalance is the result of inadequate nutrition, as vitamins and minerals are responsible for proper bodily function and regulation. Your brain regulates your mood, and the food that you eat causes it to either run smoothly or break down. While cases of depression vary in degrees of severity, small dietary adjustments can rule out symptoms of depression over time, and may even serve as a cure.
A handful of essential minerals and nutrients are necessary for mood regulation: folate, iron, selenium, and omega-3s. Folate, a member of the vitamin B family, is abundant in lentils, orange juice, spinach, asparagus, avocados, and fresh fruits and vegetables in general. Studies show that victims of depression often have low levels of folate, and it is recommended to consume 400 micrograms (mcg) per day.
Iron, commonly deficient in women, is another necessary component of a healthy mood. Vitamin C helps significantly with the absorption of iron in the body, and leafy greens, red meat, and legumes are all foods rich in iron content.
Selenium is a vital mineral that has been somewhat overlooked until more recently. In adequate amounts, it makes you feel more alert, less anxious, and more cheerful and confident overall. It also doubles as an antioxidant, protecting against cancer, cataracts, heart problems, and arthritis. The most powerful source of selenium is beef; also found in seafood, poultry, mushrooms, sea vegetables, and whole wheat. However, beware of over-consuming selenium, as too much can have toxic effects. No more than 400 to 450 mcg per day is recommended, and avoid taking supplements for selenium.
Lastly, but certainly not least, be sure to get a fair share of omega-3s in your diet. This fatty acid is absolutely crucial for proper brain function, as stated by Artemis P. Simopoulos, M.D., “Your brain is composed primarily of fat, including the neurons, the cells that transmit electrical messages; if you don’t eat enough of the right types of fats, you are depriving your brain of a critical nutrient and risk falling prey to depression and other mental disorders.” Most Americans consume too much omega-6 fatty acids and not enough omega-3s; a precise balance of the two is necessary. Fish, flaxseed, walnuts, and leafy greens are all great sources of omega-3s.
Just as much as vital nutrients are needed for healthy mood regulation, lifestyle plays a critical role as well. Do not discount the importance of exercise; it triggers the release of mood-boosting hormones, as well as reduces anxiety, anger, and other negative emotions. Exercise also drastically improves the quality of your sleep, as insomnia is both a symptom and cause of depression. Studies show that exercising regularly may be as effective as antidepressants in some cases.
In the bigger picture, shouldn’t happiness be the goal? There are so many things that contribute to or take away from your personal wellbeing; think about your life on a day to day basis. There are certain consistencies that keep you grounded and stable—physical activity, meditation/alone time, time spent with loved ones, rest, nourishing food, creative and artistic hobbies, working to serve your higher purpose, doing nice things for others. Conversely, there are parts of everyone’s life that remove us from a state of presence and contentment—partying, drugs, materialism, excess, drama. Although sometimes these things may provide us with a temporary (albeit false) sense of happiness, such inconsistencies are unsustainable ways of being and ultimately remove us from reality. Baron Baptiste says, “For many of us our lives are so filled with intensity that we often miss out on the quiet that affords us a kind of full presence. Much of our lives may have been lived on a roller coaster of drama and crisis. It may have felt awful, but it was certainly never dull. As we get healthier, life can begin to feel a bit normal without all the drama to liven things up…we soon see that the simple days, in fact, add up to a very rich life.” Stay grounded, stay happy.
Share the love :)
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Sexy Spoonfuls
Pardon my lack of posts recently, but WOW, a lot has happened in the last week. I’ve experienced—on separate accounts—tragedy, heartache, and entered into the upper half of my twenties, so there has been a lot of emotional voltage to say the least. I also completed a fruit fast, which inevitably affected my sensibilities. In this past week I’ve cycled through endless thought processes regarding death, love, uncertainty, the grace of God, heartbreak, resilience, and the value of life; I’ve only just now been able to catch my breath, and I must say, the cosmos must be up to something. At the end of the day, it’s all a matter of perspective, and I am infinitely grateful for my life on this earth. Thank you all for the incredible moral support!
Happy V-Day!
On a lighter note, in respect to Valentine’s Day (which for me is really just the day after my birthday involving more chocolate, flowers and wine), I find it only appropriate to talk about aphrodisiacs…and who doesn’t love that?! The following foods increase serotonin production, boost libido, stimulate blood flow in both male and female genitalia to enhance orgasms, release dopamine in the pleasure centers of the brain, and overall, set the mood for sexy time. Some of the following might seem slightly strange in the name of amoré, but never underestimate the power of vital nutrients in working a little magic in the bod. Eat up for added passion, romance, and sensuality…yum!
Oysters-high zinc content, increase sperm production
Cacao (aka chocolate)-contains anandamide, the psychoactive feel-good chemical, and PEA, the “love” chemical
Asparagus-vitamin and mineral content boosts histamine production necessary to reach orgasm
Avocados-named after an Aztec term meaning “testicle tree”…the history speaks for itself
Bananas-rich in chelating minerals and the bromeliad enzyme, which amps up libido
Basil-its strong aroma is said to rouse sensuality…no wonder Italians are so romantic!
Figs-a known arousing stimulant
Garlic-powerful source of allicin, which stimulates male libido Happy V-Day!
Friday, February 10, 2012
Invigorate yourself with a little bit of this! This information has been taken directly from the works of David Wolfe, a health expert and raw foodist.
Incorporating one or more of the above-mentioned foods into your diet is a surefire way to boost your livelihood on a number or levels. This smoothie will get the job done (and it tastes like chocolate):
Superfood Smoothie
1 cup coconut water
2 Tbs raw cacao powder (also raw cacao nibs for texture)
2 Tbs maca powder
2 Tbs coconut milk
2 leaves of kale
1/2 cup blueberries
1/4 cup goji berries
1/2 avocado
1 Tbs green food (spirulina, chlorella, etc.)
Honey to taste
Ice to desired consistency
*Blend well, drink up!
SUPERFOODS...What are they?
Superfoods are a class of the most potent, super-concentrated, and nutrient-rich foods on the planet. Extremely tasty and satisfying, superfoods have the ability to tremendously increase the vital force and energy of one's body, and are the optimum choice for improving over-all health, boosting the immune system, elevating serotonin production, enhancing sexuality, cleansing, lowering inflammation, and alkalizing the body. Nourishing us at the deepest level possible, they are the true fuel of today's “superhero.”
Top 10 Superfoods and Tonic Herbs
1. Cacao (Raw Chocolate) — The seed/nut of a fruit of an Amazonian tree, cacao is the highest antioxidant food on the planet, the #1 source of antioxidants, magnesium, iron, manganese, and chromium and is also extremely high in PEA, theobromine (cardiovascular support), and anandamide ("bliss chemical"). Raw Chocolate improves cardiovascular health, builds strong bones, is a natural aphrodisiac, elevates your mood and energy, and increases longevity.
2. Goji Berries (Wolfberries) — Used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 5,000 years, goji berries are regarded as a longevity, strength-building, and potency food of the highest order. This superfood contains 18 kinds of amino acids, including all 8 essential amino acids, up to 21 trace minerals, high amounts of antioxidants, iron, polysaccharides, B & E vitamins, and many other nutrients.
3. Maca — A staple in the Peruvian Andes for thousands of years, this adaptogenic superfood increases energy, endurance, strength, and libido. Dried maca powder contains more than 10% protein, nearly 20 amino acids, including 7 essential amino acids. As a root crop, maca contains five times more protein than a potato and four times more fiber.
4. Hemp Products eaten in their RAW form — Hemp seeds are packed with 33% pure digestible protein, and are rich in iron, amino acids, and vitamin E as well as omega-3's and GLA. Hemp is a perfect food for growing children and adults looking to increase protein intake.
5. Spirulina and AFA Blue-Green Algae — Spirulina is the world's highest source of complete protein (65%). Spirulina provides a vast array of minerals, trace elements, phytonutrients, and enzymes. AFA Blue-green algae is a wild-grown superfood that is made up of 15% blue pigmented phycocyanin which, according to Christian Drapeau in his book Primordial Food, increases our internal production of stem cells. Both Sprirulina and Blue-green Algae are vital superfoods.
6. Bee Products (honey, pollen, and propolis) — Bee pollen is the most complete food found in nature containing nearly all B vitamins especially vitamin B-9 (folate) and all 21 essential amino acids, making it a complete protein. Honey, in its organic/wild, raw, unfiltered states is rich in minerals, antioxidants, probiotics, and enzymes, and is one of the highest vibration foods on the planet. If your metabolism can handle sweeteners, honey is the best. Russian research indicates that honey is a longevity superfood.
7. Camu Berry — Highest Vitamin C source on planet. Great for rebuilding tissue, purifying blood, and enhancing immunity, and energy. Camu berry is one of the best anti-depressants, immune building, and eye-nourishing superfoods in the world.
8. Sea Vegetables (kelp, dulse, nori, hijiki, bladderwrack, chlorella, etc) — Rich in life-giving nutrients drawn in from the ocean and sun, sea vegetables help remove heavy metals, detoxify the body of radioactive iodine, provide numerous trace minerals, regulate immunity, and decrease the risk of cancer. Seaweeds benefit the entire body, and are especially excellent for the thyroid, immune system, adrenals, and hormone function.
9. Medicinal Mushrooms (Reishi, chaga, cordyceps, maitake, shiitake, lion's mane, etc.) — High in polysaccharides and super immune enhancing components, medicinal mushrooms are one of the most intelligent adaptogenic herb/superfoods on the planet! They have also been proven effective in healing cancer and a variety of other ailments.
10. Additional Powerful Superfoods and Supplements — MSM, Digestive and Metabolic Enzymes, Mangosteen powder, Marine Phytoplankton, Activated Liquid Zeolite, Ormus, MegaHydrate, Crystal Energy, Krill Oil (not vegan, lowest on the food-chain, a source of long-chain omega 3 fatty acids).
Copyright David Wolfe 2010
Incorporating one or more of the above-mentioned foods into your diet is a surefire way to boost your livelihood on a number or levels. This smoothie will get the job done (and it tastes like chocolate):
Superfood Smoothie
1 cup coconut water
2 Tbs raw cacao powder (also raw cacao nibs for texture)
2 Tbs maca powder
2 Tbs coconut milk
2 leaves of kale
1/2 cup blueberries
1/4 cup goji berries
1/2 avocado
1 Tbs green food (spirulina, chlorella, etc.)
Honey to taste
Ice to desired consistency
*Blend well, drink up!
Friday, February 3, 2012
A thought for you...
"There is a pretty Indian fable to the effect that if it rains when the star Svati is in ascendance, and a drop of rain falls into an oyster, that drop becomes a pearl. The oysters know this, so they come to the surface when the star appears, and wait to catch the precious raindrops. When the drops fall into them, quickly the oysters close their shells and dive down to the bottom of the sea, there patiently to develop the raindrops into pearls. You should be like that. First hear, then understand, and then, leaving all distractions, shut your minds to outside influences and devote yourselves to developing the truth within you."
Swami Vivekananda
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Health pHood
Check out these alkalizing and delicious recipes...all part of a very clean diet!
Lemony Dressing
Juice of 2 lemons
1/4 cup flax oil
1 Tbs minced garlic
1 Tbs tahini (sesame seed butter)
1 tsp agave nectar
1/2 tsp turmeric (optional)
1/2 tsp turmeric (optional)
Mix all ingreds in a bottle and shake well; refrigerate and shake before use. Recommended if cleansing!
Avocado Aioli
2 ripe avos
1 lemon
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp agave nectar
1 Tbs flax or cold-pressed olive oil
MIx all ingreds in blender except for oil, blend well; add oil slowly while blending (to ensure proper emulsification); refrigerate, good for five days.
Sweet Potato Salad
2 sweet potatoes/yams
1/2 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup chopped green onion
1/2 cup cilantro
Avocado Aioli
Peel, cube, and boil sweet potatoes until tender (about 20 min), allow to cool; in a large mixing bowl, add celery, green onion, cilantro (feel free to add more than suggested amount), top liberally with avocado aioli and toss; refrigerate. Option: add a dash of cayenne pepper and minced garlic.
Raw Slaw
1/2 purple cabbage
1 bunch kale
1/2 bunch fennel (best to use bottom part/bulb)
4-5 carrots
Pumpkin seeds (optional)
Finely chop first four ingreds with knife, cheese grater, or food processor; sprinkle with pumpkin seeds and mix well in large mixing bowl; top with lemony dressing or avocado aioli.
*Some of these recipes have been borrowed and/or adapted from various sources. Bon Appétit!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
"For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light." -Psalm 36:9
My intention is not for this blog to be about my personal life, but I will share with you something that you may find relevant in your own life. I find it appropriate to be setting my sights on equanimity this week, as I spent a great deal of energy last week not practicing equanimity, and I have been beating myself up about it. My interpretation of equanimity is the ability to remain steadfast and bright in the midst of chaos. My lack of equanimity was a reaction to my expectations not being met. I lashed out impulsively, and realize now that I feel differently about many of the things I expressed. Something that I know, but constantly have to remind myself of, is that expectations set me up for disappointment. In the past week or so, my expectations have caused me to experience a lot of anger, hurt, sadness, anxiety, guilt, embarrassment, and regret. I felt betrayed by someone I am very close to, and had I been able to see beyond my expectations, I would not have made this situation so hard on myself.
On the up side, I have successfully been able to channel this negative energy into a large amount of motivation and productivity. Because someone was unable to show up for me when it mattered to me most, it has compelled me to show up 110% in all parts of my own life. I do my best to live by example, and although it can be very challenging, I feel confident and empowered when I do so. I have been kicking ass in most aspects of my life, and I have been able to reset my sight on my higher vision. I realize that this particular situation is only a distraction and a roadblock to what I truly want in life, and I allowed it to stifle my own brightness. I heard a quote recently that spoke volumes to me (albeit not verbatim), “do not be a prisoner to your pleasure or a slave to your pain;” I was succumbing to both. I want people to see the light within me, and I want them to be drawn to it.
How then, can you maintain equanimity when your circumstances begin to waver unfavorably? Allow time to be on your side. Don’t view certain situations as an end-all/be-all; know that with patience, space, breath, presence, and intention comes great insight and clarity. Do not be affected by the external—for your reality is only a manifestation of what comes from the inside, and your perception of the world is a direct reflection of how much you like yourself. Keep your eyes on the light and life will happen accordingly!
“Do everything with a mind that has let go.” -John Chan
Monday, January 30, 2012
Cleaning Up Shop
Think about the foods you eat on a daily basis. Are they fresh and alive like yourself, or are they empty and dead with a questionably long shelf life? This is no new topic of discussion; I’ve mentioned numerous times in previous articles that you are what you eat, and what you choose to fuel your body with is also how you fuel your mental and emotional self. Living, nutrient-rich food is energizing, nourishing, and vitalizing, whereas lifeless, flaccid food is suppressive and weakening. Wisely stated by Adelle Davis, “As I see it, every day you do one of two things: build health or produce disease in yourself.”
When I refer to clean eating, I am referring to eating food in its natural form, unprocessed and unrefined. Did the food come from the earth this way, or has it been mutated prior to consumption? The further removed from its natural state, the less nutrient value it contains. If it has an indefinite shelf life, you can be certain that it lacks any nutritional value. Even cooking food kills off nutrient content, and varies in degrees of severity based on how long food is cooked, at what temperature, and by what method. Baron Baptiste breaks this down from most alive to dead: raw, poached, steamed, boiled, baked, sautéed, stir fried, deep fried.
Like yoga, cleaning up your diet allows you to peel away layers of yourself (both literally and metaphorically) that ultimately prevent your inner truth and power from shining out. By removing the internal burden of heavy, fake foods and flooding your body with essential, vitalizing nutrients, you will feel lighter, stronger, and gain a large amount of clarity. Think of it as filtering out the excess, so that you may serve your higher purpose and truly feel your best self. Our bodies do not recognize and are unable to process chemical and artificial substances that are added to processed and refined foods (i.e. fake food), and therefore they manifest themselves in the form of disease. Sadly (and ironically), our highly evolved and technologically advanced culture has been conned into believing that diet and disease are unrelated, but it won’t be long until we are forced to acknowledge this simple and undeniable truth. When used correctly, food can be incredibly healing, and when abused, food can be incredibly destructive.
What then, are you supposed to eat as part of a clean diet? Mostly vegetables, in addition to fruit, whole grains (do not be fooled by false advertising claims on cereal boxes reading ‘whole grain’…remember that it didn’t grow that way; think brown rice, quinoa, oats, etc.), lean meats, nuts, seeds, legumes, and healthy oils (in their raw, uncooked form). I’m a firm believer in moderation, so if you can engage in clean eating 80% of the time, don’t sweat the other 20%. Food is your most powerful source of preventative medicine; NOW is the time to commit to a life of health and longevity.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Getting Un-stuck
Change starts small. Many of us adhere to the notion that when we seek change, we want it to be monumental. Generally, the desire to create change within yourself and in your life accumulates over a long period of time. The desire becomes so great that it eventually becomes necessary, but rather than taking a realistic approach, it's easy to believe that you will wake up one day in desperation and make it happen all at once. Unfortunately, this is only a means of procrastination. Because let's be real, are you really going to wake up one day, after months (or maybe years) of festering in your own self-depracation, and feel motivated enough to fix all of your problems? Doubtful. Change is a process, and it requires many small, simple adjustments to your current ways of being. Baby steps, if you will, will lead you to the most impressionable and sustainable changes; they act as building blocks that will ultimately shift into a new way of being. But, in order for this to effectively occur, you have to want it, and I mean really want it bad, and you have to be ready to commit. When it does happen, you will do whatever it takes and you will not compromise your standards. It's about being proactive and a willingness to step out of your comfort zone; it's about holding yourself accountable.
It's totally normal, natural, and expected to fear change. We fear the daunting task of how we're going to get there, and we fear the unfamiliar outcome. This is why many of us put it off until it never happens. If you succumb to your own fear, you will never live the life you dream about and deserve. With change comes great freedom, insight, and a world of opportunity. And it only keeps getting better. Creating change is an endeavor that requires taking chances, and sometimes you will get burned. But every experience is an opportunity for growth, and every experience is unique in not be discouraged by experiences of the past. I write this as I am undergoing substantial change in my own life, and sometimes I wish I was better at taking my own advice. It can be very difficult to recover from failed endeavors, and in being totally honest with yourself, you may realize that certain parts of your life are no longer serving your higher self and you must let them go. It may cause you a great deal of sadness and keeping your head up can often be the hardest part. But, just because you can't see the stars in the daytime, it doesn't mean that they're not won't be long until they're in plain view.
So where to start? Consider your own livelihood: what parts of your life act as sources of vitality? What fuels and energizes your body, your mind, and your soul? It can be anything from the food that you eat to your relationships to your work and play. Alternatively, what depletes you and takes away from your vitality? It is important to recognize that in all beings there is both light and darkness. The beauty is that you get to choose which part of yourself to feed. Are you feeding the light, or are you feeding the darkness? Change your patterns by increasing the vitalizing aspects of your life and decreasing the depleting aspects. Keep going and the future is sure to blossom.
So where to start? Consider your own livelihood: what parts of your life act as sources of vitality? What fuels and energizes your body, your mind, and your soul? It can be anything from the food that you eat to your relationships to your work and play. Alternatively, what depletes you and takes away from your vitality? It is important to recognize that in all beings there is both light and darkness. The beauty is that you get to choose which part of yourself to feed. Are you feeding the light, or are you feeding the darkness? Change your patterns by increasing the vitalizing aspects of your life and decreasing the depleting aspects. Keep going and the future is sure to blossom.
In the words of a master:
"If we live according to the past, we are bound to feel anguish, boredom, and a kind of meaninglessness. The comfort zone has its own kind of consciousness that is aware that you have become redundant, that you are doing the same habitual pattern again and again and will be doing it tomorrow, too. This is a dilemma we all face in life, and the only solution is to let the past die."At some level, we all have this conflict within us, and it scares us. We are afraid to let go, to face the groundlessness and uncertainty. Way down deep, we feel that if people saw the unmasked us, the naked us, the authentic us, they would recoil in horror. We are terrified of ourselves, so we maintain the illusions, patch the leaks, and hide. We become so sophisticated at presenting our masks that we almost fool ourselves, but not quite. Many of us sense that something is wrong and that deep change is needed- a brave unveiling of who we are at our core. But we doubt ourselves and our worth...We veer away from taking the journey inward and therefore out of our comfort zone, not realizing that the way out is in.
"We cannot transform without leaving our comfort zone; there is no secret passage around this basic law. You must face your fears, relax in unconditional openness, and cut through all your tendencies to hold on."
-Baron Baptiste
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Chug It!
In reverence of the incredibly powerful thunderstorm that strobe-lighted the Austin sky the other night, I think it's only appropriate to share about the infinite cleansing benefits of WATER. What you already know: ideally, it composes 70% of the human body; you should drink at least 8 glasses a day (more, actually); it's refreshing to take a splash in; without it you will die; also, it covers about 70% of the earth (coincidence?). Water has an energetic frequency that vitalizes all living things, and just as it works on a symbolic level to wash away your sins, it works on a literal level to cleanse the body of toxic buildup and waste.
Our capitalist-driven society has fooled us to believe that we can consume water in alternate forms (i.e. juice, coffee, beer, soda, Gatorade, etc.) and still consider it an adequate part of our daily water intake. This is false advertising, obviously, as nothing can replace or serve the purpose of plain H20. Consider the rain on a macro level: it washes away chemical buildup in the soil, rinses the air of pollutants and allergens, awakens and enlivens flora, and ultimately allows for the rebirth and growth of all natural ecosystems. The human body is no exception to these rules on a micro level, as water is essential to its proper functioning and livelihood. When consumed in alternate forms, the excess substances and chemicals create a mighty imbalance in all internal systems. A healthy body operates at a very precise pH, and any internal imbalance will throw this off. You probably feel this way about many other things in life, and you should definitely understand that when it comes to water, there is no suitable replacement for the real deal.
Did you know that if you are sick, the more showers you take the faster you will heal? You've probably noticed that bathing when you have a cold or the flu instantly makes you feel better. This is because the skin is the body's largest detoxifying organ, and water rinses the skin of any toxic residue that the body has excreted. Sweating is also a powerful detoxifying mechanism, which is why it's so good for you. You can gauge your body's toxicity by how potent your sweat smells; healthy sweat smells clean and natural. Insubstantial water consumption is a contributing factor to obesity and disease—by drastically increasing your water intake you will likely lose weight as your body flushes out excess toxins; additionally, you will boost mental clarity, feel more energetic, and be happier overall.
Take your body weight, divide in half, and convert that number to ounces—that is the minimal amount of water you should drink on a daily basis. Drinking more water is one of the simplest things you can do to improve your health and the quality of your life. As Americans, we are so fortunate to have unlimited access to water that is clean and safe; do not shortchange your own vitality!
Our capitalist-driven society has fooled us to believe that we can consume water in alternate forms (i.e. juice, coffee, beer, soda, Gatorade, etc.) and still consider it an adequate part of our daily water intake. This is false advertising, obviously, as nothing can replace or serve the purpose of plain H20. Consider the rain on a macro level: it washes away chemical buildup in the soil, rinses the air of pollutants and allergens, awakens and enlivens flora, and ultimately allows for the rebirth and growth of all natural ecosystems. The human body is no exception to these rules on a micro level, as water is essential to its proper functioning and livelihood. When consumed in alternate forms, the excess substances and chemicals create a mighty imbalance in all internal systems. A healthy body operates at a very precise pH, and any internal imbalance will throw this off. You probably feel this way about many other things in life, and you should definitely understand that when it comes to water, there is no suitable replacement for the real deal.
Did you know that if you are sick, the more showers you take the faster you will heal? You've probably noticed that bathing when you have a cold or the flu instantly makes you feel better. This is because the skin is the body's largest detoxifying organ, and water rinses the skin of any toxic residue that the body has excreted. Sweating is also a powerful detoxifying mechanism, which is why it's so good for you. You can gauge your body's toxicity by how potent your sweat smells; healthy sweat smells clean and natural. Insubstantial water consumption is a contributing factor to obesity and disease—by drastically increasing your water intake you will likely lose weight as your body flushes out excess toxins; additionally, you will boost mental clarity, feel more energetic, and be happier overall.
Take your body weight, divide in half, and convert that number to ounces—that is the minimal amount of water you should drink on a daily basis. Drinking more water is one of the simplest things you can do to improve your health and the quality of your life. As Americans, we are so fortunate to have unlimited access to water that is clean and safe; do not shortchange your own vitality!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Feed Your Best Self
How do you show up in your life? This question has been a predominant theme in my life as of recent, and there are many components to be considered. How do you show up for the people in your life? How do you show up for yourself? How do you show up in fulfilling your responsibilities and in serving your higher purpose? Do you show up wholeheartedly, or do you show up halfway? Maybe there are ways in which you don’t show up at all, and in that case, are you hiding from the truth? My goal and my challenge is being present in all aspects of my life, and at times my attempts to observe without judgment have sent me spiraling through an emotional roller coaster. I have forced myself to show up wholeheartedly in places where I’d rather not have shown up at all, and sitting still with my own conscience can consequently be quite the trip. The hardest part has been trying not to judge myself for following my heart over my head; although I know it is the right thing to do (and it’s only at this point in my life that I’ve been secure enough with myself to do so), it has potential to cause me a great amount of doubt and insecurity. Which leads me to the next part…
Trust the process. I believe it, I’d say it to anyone, and I know that sometimes it can be a tough pill to swallow. But, do not be defeated by your own demons. There is no force great enough to take away the light in your eyes or rob you of your love for life. I’m a firm believer that if you can show up in your life as your honest to best self, the universe will reciprocate. And it always does, abundantly and twofold. As Westerners we seek instant gratification, but it is important to maintain virtue and remember that good things come to those who wait. Also, the best things in life don't come easy, so taking the easy way out will hardly give you the satisfaction and fulfillment you yearn for.
Let it not be forgotten that what you feed your body with is also the source of your vitality. Your food is your fuel, not only for your physical body, but also for your mental and emotional body. There is a direct correlation between what you eat and your energy, thoughts, and attitudes toward life. This is proven by science, and if you don't believe me, do an experiment on yourself and start cleaning up what you put in your body. You will start to notice that how you fuel yourself translates to the energy you put out into the world, and in turn you will attract that same kind of energy. If you're constantly fueling yourself with junk, the outcome is sure to be toxic. In all beings there is both light and darkness, and only you can choose which part of yourself to feed. Are you feeding your best self?
Be the light you seek, be the love you wish to find.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Breathe Deeply, Live Lightly
It's been quite the success to add into my yoga classes lately, and it's a key component of my 40 day challenge. Here are some thoughts on meditation for you—an awesomely useful habit that takes no time at all and will have you on your perma-A game. I’ve had a meditation practice, on and off, for about five years now, and not only has it minimized my anxiety, but when I’m doing it regularly, I’m more productive and motivated than ever. Three+ minutes will work as a beginner, but soon enough ten minutes will start to feel like nothing. Taking that fraction of time first thing in the morning to breathe and breathe some more will clear your brain, get you ultra focused, and boost your mood and energy all day. If you’re a skeptic, you will absolutely surprise yourself.
The goal of meditation is to not think, which is unfathomable to some. The trick is to think only about your breath. Counting works well to help you concentrate on this, repeating inhale/exhale in your mind, or what I’ve gravitated towards is repeating a mantra (a word or phrase to represent what you wish to invite into your life). It’s a way of ingraining a thought or idea into your mind. The most successful one that I’ve been using for about three years now is this: gratitude (inhale), forgiveness (exhale), acceptance (inhale), contentment (exhale), love (inhale), repeat (exhale begin)…I believe all of these things work in succession, and these are the ways I wish to live my life. Pretty simple…
GRATITUDE: express it every day, in every moment, with every action. Do not forget the gift that your life is, and not to be taken for granted. Realize how blessed you are and happiness will follow.
"The stars awaken a certain reverence, because though always present, they are inaccessible; but all natural objects make a kindred impression, when the mind is open to their influence." –Emerson
FORGIVENESS: not just of others, but most importantly of yourself. If you can’t stop beating yourself up over prior occurrences, you will never be able to blossom into your greater good. The universe will not hold against you the mistakes of the past; let them be a lesson and be wiser for it. Nothing is holding you back except for the limitations you have created for yourself, and enabling yourself to let go will provide you with unrivaled freedom.
"Our forgiveness of one another is not simply a matter of politeness or of grudging allowance for each other's foibles. It is instead a courageous act of defiance that refuses to remain entrapped in hatred and recrimination, and chooses instead to risk the spacious unknown of real freedom."
ACCEPTANCE: change happens when you stop trying to control the outcome. Instead, react to your circumstances with grace and allow things to unfold the way nature intends for them to. Loosen the reins and things are sure to fall into place. If you cannot forgive, you will never be able to accept.
"Forget safety.
Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation.
Be notorious."
CONTENTMENT: you cannot find it anywhere in the world if you can’t find it within your own heart. True contentment does not waver based on your surroundings, but rather is your ability to feel it in all circumstances; it is a mechanism of living in your own skin.
“The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” –Marcel Proust
LOVE: at the end of the day, it makes the world go round. It is fearless, incredibly challenging, and powerful beyond belief. Only if we’re lucky do we have the courage to experience love at its absolute fullest, and it's not about loving only those who are close to our hearts (that would be too easy). To love wholeheartedly is to overstep your own stubborn perimeters of resentment and love even those who are most difficult, and to love all things equally and with compassion. This kind of love is impossible if you are unable to be gracious, if you are unable to forgive, if you are unable to accept, and if you cannot find contentment within yourself.
The challenge is well-put:
“It’s not about who you love…it’s about do you love” –Michael Franti
Meditation can be a tough pill to swallow for some, but attempt and you will quickly think otherwise. Also, the oxygen boost works wonders for your brainpower on a scientific level.
Friday, January 20, 2012
"You say you want a revolution...well you know, we all wanna change the world"
My 40 day journey has begun—a transformational process of growth, self-introspection, and reevaluation of my life in the present. This particular program is taking place at my yoga studio, where I have an incredibly supportive group of comrades participating alongside. I have participated in many other similar programs in the past, the longest lasting one month, and I look forward to a new depth of exploration this time around. I believe the key to success lies within commitment, discipline, and wholly investing myself in the process. This journey is all-encompassing, including the counterparts of diet, meditation, asana, and reflection, all aspects contributing to higher health in body and mind.
The significance of taking time once or twice a year to participate in processes like this is to move forward within yourself, to create a life that serves your highest purpose, and to unravel the needs and desires of your soul. If we allow ourselves to stay stuck in comfortable and habitual ways of being, we may never experience the true beauty of the world. Although I am generally fearful of change, I embrace most opportunities to explore untapped territory, and a positive adventure it usually is.
I entered into a whirlwind of influential events, and perhaps by coincidence at the exact same time the 40 day revolution started. In my past experiences, these significant events always occur shortly after completion. More unexpectation to come…
You probably know by now that my focus and passion is nutrition, so I decided to share some tips in the diet arena regarding clean eating:
- Shop around the perimeter of the grocery store
- As you notice, most fresh food is contained in the refrigerator sections
- Avoid foods with a shelf life, they are likely to contain preservatives and artificial ingredients
- The closer a food is to its original source, hence the more alive it is, the more nutrients it contains
- Nutrients are depleted as food is removed farther from its original source, so consider the source and how it got to be the way it is upon consumption—consider: does it grow/is it born this way?
- This is an incredibly useful tactic when you find yourself giving into temptation or acting impulsively on a craving
- Pause, take a few deep breaths, and recognize the emotion behind what you are doing
- We are familiar with the term emotional eating, and most times our unhealthy cravings are a result of something deeper than just plain hunger
- Take a step back to examine exterior factors that may be involved (your emotional state, a problem or challenging circumstance you are facing)
- Often when we recognize the true reason behind our cravings, we are able to reconsider and reroute—opt for the healthier choice to satisfy your craving
- Be prepared, so that you don’t have to make the unhealthy choice
Hope you find this helpful! Remember that feeling good is a positive experience, growth is nothing to be afraid of, happiness is in the details, and your determination is powerful beyond belief.
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