Get bent into shape with this at-home stretch guide to your body's tightest and most needy locales...
LOWER BACK- hold for 10 full breath cycles
1-legged seated forward fold: Sit with left leg extended out, bend right knee and place sole of right foot at left inner thigh, flex toes on both feet, slightly rotate torso so it is stacked directly over left leg and fold forward, grabbing onto left foot or relaxing arms sides of leg; you should feel this stretch on the right side of your lower backàfor deeper stretch flex toes more! Repeat on other side
Seated forward fold: Sit with both legs extended out in front of you, flex toes toward knees, lift arms overhead to lengthen spine and fold forward, taking ahold of feet with hands, relax head and neck toward knees; slight bend in the knees is ok here in order to get a grip around the feet, more important to maintain a flat spine and lengthen through lower back; work with breath by lengthening spine on the inhales and folding deeper on the exhales
HIPS- hold for 10-20 full breath cycles
Half pigeon: From downward facing dog, inhale right leg high and step leg through on the exhale, set knee and shin flat on mat with bent knee (right knee should be by right hand/wrist and right ankle should be by left hand/wrist), make sure left leg is extended straight behind you with toes pointed straight back, make sure there is a deep flex in right toes, bring fingertips by hips and prop up in order to lift chest high and lengthen spine (this also helps square hips to center), then walk hands all the way forward in order to fold over right knee and relax forehead on mat; breathe into outer right hip! Repeat left side
Runner’s lunge: From downward facing dog, inhale right leg high and step right foot to outside of right hand (foot should be placed on edge of mat with toes angled out diagonally at 45 degrees), make sure knee is not protruding over toes (90 degree bend in knee in order to protect the joint), release the back (left) knee down to the mat, stay up on palms or drop down to forearms depending on flexibility, relax through the back of the neck and crown of the head; you should feel a deep stretch in the right hip so remember to take long, deep breaths! Repeat other side
HAMSTRINGS- hold for 10 full breath cycles
Gorilla pose: Fold forward from a standing position, feet planted hip distance apart, bend knees as much as necessary in order to get a grip and walk palms (facing up) underneath feet so that toes are in your wrist creases; with the breath work to lengthen the tailbone up and straighten the legs as much as possible, make sure weight is forward in the feet, use the strength in your biceps to pull yourself deeper by bending the elbows out to the side, keep drawing shoulder blades away from your ears
*you can do this same stretch with a different hand variation: instead of walking palms under feet, grab onto big toes with your index and middle fingers, inhale lengthen spine, exhale fold deeper
QUADS- hold for 10 full breath cycles
Half crescent lunge: From downward facing dog, inhale right leg high and step through to a low lunge, release left knee down to mat, place palms on top of right knee and lunge forward into hips; you should feel this stretch in the left hip flexor. To go deeper, bend left knee and reach back with left hand to grab ahold of the foot, pull foot toward glute. Repeat other side
SPINE STRENGTHENERS- 5 full breath cycles or longer
Baby cobra: lie flat on belly, place palms beneath shoulders, zip up legs from inner thighs to big toes and ground through tops of feet, peel heart off the mat on an inhale with little to no weight in the hands, keep drawing shoulder blades toward one another and lengthening heart forward, relax glutes as you squeeze inner thighs together
Bridge pose: lie on back with knees bent and soles of feet planted hip distance apart and slightly pigeon-toed, walk fingertips toward heels to set up, then press into inner arches of the feet to lift hips high, interlace hands beneath you and shimmy shoulder blades together; keep pressing into feet to lift hips higher, relax glutes, reach heart toward chin but chin remains still
CORE- as many as necessary to activate abs!
Supta sit-ups: lie on back with soles of the feet touching and knees bent out to the sides (making a diamond shape with legs), interlace hands behind head, exhale lift heart straight up toward ceiling, inhale lower halfway, repeat with breath; make sure to keep a deep tuck in the tailbone throughout (lower back should never lift off the mat), active, flexed feet pressing together, and try to keep shoulder blades lifted off of mat as you pulse up
Leg lifts: from lying down on your back, lift legs straight up in the air as if stepping on ceiling, toes flexed deeply toward knees, inner thighs squeezing together, place hands by hips palms face down, exhale lower legs to 45 degree angle, inhale back overhead, repeat with breath; if lower back starts to lift off mat, place palms underneath glutes for added support, it is also okay to lift head and heart off the mat so you’re looking forward rather than straight up (you should feel this exercise in your deep lower abdominals)
Side plank: from high plank, ground through left palm and roll to outer edge of left foot, reaching right arm straight up overhead; make sure right ankle, hip, and shoulder blade are stacked directly over their left counterparts, squeeze obliques to keep hips lifted high (think rainbow arch in side body), and keep a deep flex in the toes for balance and support
**Note to self: if you're not breathing, it won't make a difference. Our body's natural reaction is to hold the breath during an uncomfortable stretch, but inviting oxygen into the muscles is an essential part of opening into places of resistance and creating flexibility. Exaggerate the inhales and exhales and you are sure to go deeper!