Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dank Avocado Sauce (compliments of yours truly)


2 avocadoes
½ bunch of cilantro
1 jalapeño
juice of 1 lemon
2-3 Tbs Bragg’s apple cider vinegar (get this kind because it is raw and unfiltered, i.e., good for you)
1 cup cold-pressed olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
*1/4 cup Greek yogurt (optional—adds sour cream flavor)

Mix all ingredients EXCEPT olive oil in blender or food processor; once mixed together, slowly add olive oil as you continue to blend (it’s important to pour it in slowly so that the sauce emulsifies properly).  Voila!  Enjoy with salads, tacos, sandwiches, soups, chili, as a dip, by the spoonful, etc.…it will pretty much taste good with anything, duh.

Avocado- great source of monounsaturated fatty acids (vital for brain and heart health), high enzyme content (necessary catalysts in almost every biomechanical process in the body), rich in vitamins E, B-complex and C, carotenoids, potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium and phosphorus; FACT: the name avocado comes from an Aztec word meaning “testicle tree” because they grow in pairs

Cilantro- an herb whose byproducts are the coriander seed and zesty-tasting leaves, rich in calcium, iron, carotenes, and Vitamin C; in medicine, cilantro is the first known substance that is able to remove mercury and other toxic metals from the central nervous system if consumed in sufficient quantitiesàamong other things, these detoxifying properties make it of great use in the treatment of depression and Alzheimer’s disease

Jalapeño- incredibly rich in vitamin C, also vitamin A, folate, thiamin, iron, magnesium, niacin, riboflavin, copper, manganese, and potassium; capsaicin (what gives all chilis their heat and is found in the veins, NOT the seeds contrary to popular belief) is a natural endorphin releaser and has been used in traditional medicine as a painkiller; jalapeños also act as an antibiotic when ingested by bringing fresh blood (rich in white blood cells and leukocytes) to the site of infection

Lemon- loaded with vitamin C and electrolytes, which help maintain ample hydration; acts as a natural astringent to the liver making it a highly effective detoxifier; FACT: the ancient Romans believed that lemon’s antimicrobial properties made it an antidote for all poisons

Apple cider vinegar- in its raw, unfiltered form, vinegar is a fermented product packed with probiotics; pickling vegetables in vinegar is an ancient tradition and is still a dietary staple in many cultures todaythese populations tend to have much higher immunity than our own

Olive oil (cold pressed)- abundant in Omega 3’s (you need more than you’re probably consuming for almost every vital function of the body); powerful antioxidant content that prevents the aging of skin cells; when olive oil is not cold-pressed, it has been cooked during the production process, which deconstructs the essential chain fatty acid composition and therefore diminishes its nutritional valuethis goes for cooking with olive oil as well, as it should never be heated above 350 degrees Fahrenheit



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