Friday, February 24, 2012

Food Allergies

From Nourishing Traditions:
"A...cause of food allergies is the present-day tendency to eat exclusively foods from just a few types or families.  Of the 4,000 or so edible plant species that have fed human societies at one time or another in the past, only 150 are widely cultivated today and just three of them provide 60 percent of the world's food.  Today our choice of foods is limited to about thirty species, and for many the choice is even more restricted.  It is not unusual for some children to eat nothing but pizza, hot dogs and peanut butter sandwiches, or for those following the macrobiotic diet to consume mostly rice and soybean products with a few vegetables.  Such diets will not only be deficient in many nutrients, but the constant call for enzymes needed to digest those particular foods can lead to exhaustion of that specific digestive mechanism.  The exclusive use of just a few foods can lead to sever food addiction—every bit as harmful and as difficult to break as addictions to drugs or alcohol.  These food addictions, with their concomitant allergic reactions, nurture the biochemical disruptions that lead to more serious degenerative diseases."
Copyright Sally Fallon 2001
A simple solution: remove a substantial amount of common allergens such as foods containing white flour and white sugar, and DIVERSIFY...more green foods, more whole foods!


Monday, February 20, 2012

You Say Goodbye/I Say Hello

Say goodbye to:

  • Excuses.  The only person you're lying to is yourself.
  • Quitting/giving up/settling/incompletion
  • Fake food, i.e., anything that lists ingredients you cannot pronounce
  • A sedentary lifestyle
  • Friends who you have to ask for moral support.  True friends are already giving it.
  • Trash talking.  Repeating it, creating it, believing it, listening to tacky
  • Spending money you don't have (we're all guilty of this one)
  • More of the same—boring!
  • The Peter Pan days...I don't know about you, but I'm only getting better with age
  • Small talk.  Be real, go for the gold
  • Holding grudges
  • Smoking, forever.  On top of the infinite health problems, it's the #1 aging culprit.
  • People who are afraid of commitment; major red flag for immaturity, and that's lame.
Say hello to:
  • Owning your behavior.
  • More literature
  • More green food
  • Knowing what a catch you are.
  • Organic animal products (for too many reasons to list in this list)
  • Being too good for (fill in the blank)'s okay to want the absolute best
  • Finishing what you started
  • Realistic goal-setting
  • Apologizing...your pride is not more important than your relationships
  • Saying your prayers.  Someone up there is listening.
  • A new type of's exhilarating! 
  • Accepting your faults and imperfections; you'll be so much happier this way.
  • Commitment—a plant, a dog, a project, a significant other—because life will be so much richer and more rewarding
Carpe diem!


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Got The Blues?

It is important to address that depression is a mental illness that requires proper attention and treatment, and is often a hereditary disease.  At the same time, the root cause of depression is chemical imbalance in the brain, and any internal chemical imbalance is the result of inadequate nutrition, as vitamins and minerals are responsible for proper bodily function and regulation.  Your brain regulates your mood, and the food that you eat causes it to either run smoothly or break down.  While cases of depression vary in degrees of severity, small dietary adjustments can rule out symptoms of depression over time, and may even serve as a cure.

A handful of essential minerals and nutrients are necessary for mood regulation: folate, iron, selenium, and omega-3s.  Folate, a member of the vitamin B family, is abundant in lentils, orange juice, spinach, asparagus, avocados, and fresh fruits and vegetables in general.  Studies show that victims of depression often have low levels of folate, and it is recommended to consume 400 micrograms (mcg) per day. 

Iron, commonly deficient in women, is another necessary component of a healthy mood.  Vitamin C helps significantly with the absorption of iron in the body, and leafy greens, red meat, and legumes are all foods rich in iron content. 

Selenium is a vital mineral that has been somewhat overlooked until more recently.  In adequate amounts, it makes you feel more alert, less anxious, and more cheerful and confident overall.  It also doubles as an antioxidant, protecting against cancer, cataracts, heart problems, and arthritis.  The most powerful source of selenium is beef; also found in seafood, poultry, mushrooms, sea vegetables, and whole wheat.  However, beware of over-consuming selenium, as too much can have toxic effects.  No more than 400 to 450 mcg per day is recommended, and avoid taking supplements for selenium. 

Lastly, but certainly not least, be sure to get a fair share of omega-3s in your diet.  This fatty acid is absolutely crucial for proper brain function, as stated by Artemis P. Simopoulos, M.D., “Your brain is composed primarily of fat, including the neurons, the cells that transmit electrical messages; if you don’t eat enough of the right types of fats, you are depriving your brain of a critical nutrient and risk falling prey to depression and other mental disorders.”  Most Americans consume too much omega-6 fatty acids and not enough omega-3s; a precise balance of the two is necessary.  Fish, flaxseed, walnuts, and leafy greens are all great sources of omega-3s.

Just as much as vital nutrients are needed for healthy mood regulation, lifestyle plays a critical role as well.  Do not discount the importance of exercise; it triggers the release of mood-boosting hormones, as well as reduces anxiety, anger, and other negative emotions.  Exercise also drastically improves the quality of your sleep, as insomnia is both a symptom and cause of depression.  Studies show that exercising regularly may be as effective as antidepressants in some cases.

In the bigger picture, shouldn’t happiness be the goal?  There are so many things that contribute to or take away from your personal wellbeing; think about your life on a day to day basis.  There are certain consistencies that keep you grounded and stable—physical activity, meditation/alone time, time spent with loved ones, rest, nourishing food, creative and artistic hobbies, working to serve your higher purpose, doing nice things for others.  Conversely, there are parts of everyone’s life that remove us from a state of presence and contentment—partying, drugs, materialism, excess, drama.  Although sometimes these things may provide us with a temporary (albeit false) sense of happiness, such inconsistencies are unsustainable ways of being and ultimately remove us from reality.  Baron Baptiste says, “For many of us our lives are so filled with intensity that we often miss out on the quiet that affords us a kind of full presence.  Much of our lives may have been lived on a roller coaster of drama and crisis.  It may have felt awful, but it was certainly never dull.  As we get healthier, life can begin to feel a bit normal without all the drama to liven things up…we soon see that the simple days, in fact, add up to a very rich life.”  Stay grounded, stay happy.

Share the love :)


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sexy Spoonfuls

Pardon my lack of posts recently, but WOW, a lot has happened in the last week.  I’ve experienced—on separate accounts—tragedy, heartache, and entered into the upper half of my twenties, so there has been a lot of emotional voltage to say the least.  I also completed a fruit fast, which inevitably affected my sensibilities.  In this past week I’ve cycled through endless thought processes regarding death, love, uncertainty, the grace of God, heartbreak, resilience, and the value of life; I’ve only just now been able to catch my breath, and I must say, the cosmos must be up to something.  At the end of the day, it’s all a matter of perspective, and I am infinitely grateful for my life on this earth.  Thank you all for the incredible moral support!

On a lighter note, in respect to Valentine’s Day (which for me is really just the day after my birthday involving more chocolate, flowers and wine), I find it only appropriate to talk about aphrodisiacs…and who doesn’t love that?!  The following foods increase serotonin production, boost libido, stimulate blood flow in both male and female genitalia to enhance orgasms, release dopamine in the pleasure centers of the brain, and overall, set the mood for sexy time.  Some of the following might seem slightly strange in the name of amoré, but never underestimate the power of vital nutrients in working a little magic in the bod.  Eat up for added passion, romance, and sensuality…yum!

Oysters-high zinc content, increase sperm production
Cacao (aka chocolate)-contains anandamide, the psychoactive feel-good chemical, and PEA, the “love” chemical
Asparagus-vitamin and mineral content boosts histamine production necessary to reach orgasm
Avocados-named after an Aztec term meaning “testicle tree”…the history speaks for itself
Bananas-rich in chelating minerals and the bromeliad enzyme, which amps up libido
Basil-its strong aroma is said to rouse sensuality…no wonder Italians are so romantic!
Figs-a known arousing stimulant
Garlic-powerful source of allicin, which stimulates male libido

Happy V-Day!


Friday, February 10, 2012


Invigorate yourself with a little bit of this!  This information has been taken directly from the works of David Wolfe, a health expert and raw foodist.

SUPERFOODS...What are they?
Superfoods are a class of the most potent, super-concentrated, and nutrient-rich foods on the planet. Extremely tasty and satisfying, superfoods have the ability to tremendously increase the vital force and energy of one's body, and are the optimum choice for improving over-all health, boosting the immune system, elevating serotonin production, enhancing sexuality, cleansing, lowering inflammation, and alkalizing the body. Nourishing us at the deepest level possible, they are the true fuel of today's “superhero.”
Top 10 Superfoods and Tonic Herbs
1. Cacao (Raw Chocolate) — The seed/nut of a fruit of an Amazonian tree, cacao is the highest antioxidant food on the planet, the #1 source of antioxidants, magnesium, iron, manganese, and chromium and is also extremely high in PEA, theobromine (cardiovascular support), and anandamide ("bliss chemical"). Raw Chocolate improves cardiovascular health, builds strong bones, is a natural aphrodisiac, elevates your mood and energy, and increases longevity. 
2. Goji Berries (Wolfberries) — Used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 5,000 years, goji berries are regarded as a longevity, strength-building, and potency food of the highest order. This superfood contains 18 kinds of amino acids, including all 8 essential amino acids, up to 21 trace minerals, high amounts of antioxidants, iron, polysaccharides, B & E vitamins, and many other nutrients. 
3. Maca — A staple in the Peruvian Andes for thousands of years, this adaptogenic superfood increases energy, endurance, strength, and libido. Dried maca powder contains more than 10% protein, nearly 20 amino acids, including 7 essential amino acids. As a root crop, maca contains five times more protein than a potato and four times more fiber. 
4. Hemp Products eaten in their RAW form — Hemp seeds are packed with 33% pure digestible protein, and are rich in iron, amino acids, and vitamin E as well as omega-3's and GLA. Hemp is a perfect food for growing children and adults looking to increase protein intake. 
5. Spirulina and AFA Blue-Green Algae — Spirulina is the world's highest source of complete protein (65%). Spirulina provides a vast array of minerals, trace elements, phytonutrients, and enzymes. AFA Blue-green algae is a wild-grown superfood that is made up of 15% blue pigmented phycocyanin which, according to Christian Drapeau in his book Primordial Food, increases our internal production of stem cells. Both Sprirulina and Blue-green Algae are vital superfoods. 
6. Bee Products (honey, pollen, and propolis) — Bee pollen is the most complete food found in nature containing nearly all B vitamins especially vitamin B-9 (folate) and all 21 essential amino acids, making it a complete protein. Honey, in its organic/wild, raw, unfiltered states is rich in minerals, antioxidants, probiotics, and enzymes, and is one of the highest vibration foods on the planet. If your metabolism can handle sweeteners, honey is the best. Russian research indicates that honey is a longevity superfood. 
7. Camu Berry — Highest Vitamin C source on planet. Great for rebuilding tissue, purifying blood, and enhancing immunity, and energy. Camu berry is one of the best anti-depressants, immune building, and eye-nourishing superfoods in the world. 
8. Sea Vegetables (kelp, dulse, nori, hijiki, bladderwrack, chlorella, etc) — Rich in life-giving nutrients drawn in from the ocean and sun, sea vegetables help remove heavy metals, detoxify the body of radioactive iodine, provide numerous trace minerals, regulate immunity, and decrease the risk of cancer. Seaweeds benefit the entire body, and are especially excellent for the thyroid, immune system, adrenals, and hormone function. 
9. Medicinal Mushrooms (Reishi, chaga, cordyceps, maitake, shiitake, lion's mane, etc.) — High in polysaccharides and super immune enhancing components, medicinal mushrooms are one of the most intelligent adaptogenic herb/superfoods on the planet! They have also been proven effective in healing cancer and a variety of other ailments. 
10. Additional Powerful Superfoods and Supplements — MSM, Digestive and Metabolic Enzymes, Mangosteen powder, Marine Phytoplankton, Activated Liquid Zeolite, Ormus, MegaHydrate, Crystal Energy, Krill Oil (not vegan, lowest on the food-chain, a source of long-chain omega 3 fatty acids).
Copyright David Wolfe 2010 

Incorporating one or more of the above-mentioned foods into your diet is a surefire way to boost your livelihood on a number or levels.  This smoothie will get the job done (and it tastes like chocolate):

Superfood Smoothie
1 cup coconut water
2 Tbs raw cacao powder (also raw cacao nibs for texture)
2 Tbs maca powder
2 Tbs coconut milk
2 leaves of kale
1/2 cup blueberries
1/4 cup goji berries
1/2 avocado
1 Tbs green food (spirulina, chlorella, etc.)
Honey to taste
Ice to desired consistency

*Blend well, drink up!


Friday, February 3, 2012

A thought for you...

"There is a pretty Indian fable to the effect that if it rains when the star Svati is in ascendance, and a drop of rain falls into an oyster, that drop becomes a pearl. The oysters know this, so they come to the surface when the star appears, and wait to catch the precious raindrops.  When the drops fall into them, quickly the oysters close their shells and dive down to the bottom of the sea, there patiently to develop the raindrops into pearls.  You should be like that.  First hear, then understand, and then, leaving all distractions, shut your minds to outside influences and devote yourselves to developing the truth within you."
Swami Vivekananda 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Health pHood

Check out these alkalizing and delicious recipes...all part of a very clean diet!

Lemony Dressing
Juice of 2 lemons
1/4 cup flax oil
1 Tbs minced garlic
1 Tbs tahini (sesame seed butter)
1 tsp agave nectar
1/2 tsp turmeric (optional)

Mix all ingreds in a bottle and shake well; refrigerate and shake before use.  Recommended if cleansing!

Avocado Aioli
2 ripe avos
1 lemon
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp agave nectar
1 Tbs flax or cold-pressed olive oil

MIx all ingreds in blender except for oil, blend well; add oil slowly while blending (to ensure proper emulsification); refrigerate, good for five days.

Sweet Potato Salad
2 sweet potatoes/yams
1/2 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup chopped green onion
1/2 cup cilantro
Avocado Aioli

Peel, cube, and boil sweet potatoes until tender (about 20 min), allow to cool; in a large mixing bowl, add celery, green onion, cilantro (feel free to add more than suggested amount), top liberally with avocado aioli and toss; refrigerate.  Option: add a dash of cayenne pepper and minced garlic.

Raw Slaw
1/2 purple cabbage
1 bunch kale
1/2 bunch fennel (best to use bottom part/bulb)
4-5 carrots
Pumpkin seeds (optional)

Finely chop first four ingreds with knife, cheese grater, or food processor; sprinkle with pumpkin seeds and mix well in large mixing bowl; top with lemony dressing or avocado aioli.

*Some of these recipes have been borrowed and/or adapted from various sources.  Bon Appétit!