Thursday, January 26, 2012

Chug It!

In reverence of the incredibly powerful thunderstorm that strobe-lighted the Austin sky the other night, I think it's only appropriate to share about the infinite cleansing benefits of WATER.  What you already know: ideally, it composes 70% of the human body; you should drink at least 8 glasses a day (more, actually); it's refreshing to take a splash in; without it you will die; also, it covers about 70% of the earth (coincidence?).  Water has an energetic frequency that vitalizes all living things, and just as it works on a symbolic level to wash away your sins, it works on a literal level to cleanse the body of toxic buildup and waste.

Our capitalist-driven society has fooled us to believe that we can consume water in alternate forms (i.e. juice, coffee, beer, soda, Gatorade, etc.) and still consider it an adequate part of our daily water intake.  This is false advertising, obviously, as nothing can replace or serve the purpose of plain H20.  Consider the rain on a macro level: it washes away chemical buildup in the soil, rinses the air of pollutants and allergens, awakens and enlivens flora, and ultimately allows for the rebirth and growth of all natural ecosystems.  The human body is no exception to these rules on a micro level, as water is essential to its proper functioning and livelihood.  When consumed in alternate forms, the excess substances and chemicals create a mighty imbalance in all internal systems.  A healthy body operates at a very precise pH, and any internal imbalance will throw this off.  You probably feel this way about many other things in life, and you should definitely understand that when it comes to water, there is no suitable replacement for the real deal.  

Did you know that if you are sick, the more showers you take the faster you will heal?  You've probably noticed that bathing when you have a cold or the flu instantly makes you feel better.  This is because the skin is the body's largest detoxifying organ, and water rinses the skin of any toxic residue that the body has excreted.  Sweating is also a powerful detoxifying mechanism, which is why it's so good for you.  You can gauge your body's toxicity by how potent your sweat smells; healthy sweat smells clean and natural.  Insubstantial water consumption is a contributing factor to obesity and diseaseby drastically increasing your water intake you will likely lose weight as your body flushes out excess toxins; additionally, you will boost mental clarity, feel more energetic, and be happier overall. 

Take your body weight, divide in half, and convert that number to ouncesthat is the minimal amount of water you should drink on a daily basis.  Drinking more water is one of the simplest things you can do to improve your health and the quality of your life.  As Americans, we are so fortunate to have unlimited access to water that is clean and safe; do not shortchange your own vitality!


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